
时间:2019-05-28 热度:


  To be, or not to be, that’s the question.



  《哈姆雷特》是莎士比亚所有戏剧中篇幅最长的一部。本剧是前身为莎士比亚纪念剧院的英国皇家莎士比亚剧团演出频度最高的剧目。 世界著名悲剧之一,也是莎士比亚最负盛名的剧本,具有深刻的悲剧意义、复杂的人物性格以及丰富完美的悲剧艺术手法,代表着整个西方文艺复兴时期文学的最高成就。同《麦克白》、《李尔王》和《奥赛罗》一起组成莎士比亚"四大悲剧".

  Some Thoughts about Hamlet

  Yu-Han Li

  Hamlet, one of Shakespeare's four most famous tragedies, tells a story that Hamlet avenged the death of his father and finally died for it. As far as I remembered, the Senior Chinese textbook selected the end part of Hamlet. However, owing to the fact that I didn’t figure out the relationships between those characters and the settings of the story then, I couldn’t have a deep understanding of the end part. Since I have finished reading the whole book, it seems that I could gain a better knowledge of the emotion in Hamlet.

  "To be, or not to be, that’s the question." Whether Hamlet’s final choice is "to be", or "not to be", is a question. Before Laertes died, he exposed the intrigue of Claudius, king of Denmark. Hurt as Hamlet was, he saw his mother die of poisonous wine and killed his uncle Claudius using a poisonous sword. What a mess! As Horatio put it, "So shall you hear Of carnal, bloody, and unnatural acts; Of accidental judgments, casual slaughters; Of deaths put on by cunning and forced cause; And, in this upshot, purposes mistook Fall’n on the inventors’ reads." Obviously, it’s the best summary of the whole story. The root of all evils is Claudius who killed his brother and married his sister-in-law in such a short time. As for indecisive Hamlet, unchastity queen, innocent Ophelia, impulsive Laertes… they are the witnesses, the promoters as well as the victims of the tragedy.

  Hamlet, who is the hero of the opera, cannot be deemed as a real hero. He felt hesitated and lost. His character became more complicated and suspicious because of the hideous crime of his uncle. It’s usually hard to keep calm and rational when someone is blinded by hatred. Faced with Claudius’s test and murder, Hamlet kept calm and dealt with them without danger. However, he lost his life in the final confrontation with Laertes. Hamlet was once a carefree idealist and perfectionist. He started to meet with the darkness of the reality after his father’s death, his mother’s remarriage and his uncle’s conspiracy. He became radical and doubted everything around him, including family affection and love. Suffered such a big blow, Hamlet survived, and waited for the day of lightning. On the other hand, the thought of revenge enabled Hamlet to become more decisive and braver. It’s a pity that Hamlet eventually died of his uncle’s plot and we lost such a hero.

  But I still have some doubts of the plot. Polonius, the father of Laertes and Ophelia, died of Hamlet’s sword, whose death seemed so haste. If it was not Polonius but Claudius who hid behind, would Hamlet do the same thing? Thanks to the death of Polonius, Hamlet was sent to England, Ophelia went crazy and fell into the river, Laertes rebelled and Claudius started his final conspiracy… Perhaps it was all the arrangement of the fate.

  When it comes to the realistic meaning of Hamlet, besides the excellent skills that Shakespeare used in this book, I want to tell something about its contents. As for Hamlet, whether the fate is fair or not? If it is fair, why did he suffer from so many pains? If it is unfair, why could he leave the world without regrets? Fate is usually cruel. However, we should shoulder the courage and responsibly to face the cruelty like Hamlet, rather than complain it.

  In the rainy night, I see the ghost of old king walking in the distance. I wonder whether it is the ending that he was willing to witness…









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