
时间:2019-04-19 热度:

  Warehouse leasing agreement

  Party A :Beijing Tianxiang Times Logistics Co.,Ltd. Party B :

  Both parties, through friendly co-operation agreement negotiated the following logistics:

  Article First

  Party A leased Warehouse ( ) square meters to Party B, the lease

  term is from date month year to date month year at rental prices per square meter per day (0.90 yuan), guard rails, discharge and shelf costs and other cost another operator . Form of payment is (prepaid), prepaid for later use, Party B shall pay period, such as late payment arrears , Party A has the right to terminate the contract with Party B and may not take all the damage caused.

  Article second

  In the lease period, Party B is responsible for security of stored goods, moisture, fire, according to owner required to have cargo insurance, and agent Party A to deal with insurance companies about insurance , claims and other formalities.

  Article Third Storage of the goods, variety, size, quantity, quality 1. Name of goods:

  2. Variety specification: see attached sheet 3. quantity:see attached sheet 4. quality:see attached sheet

  Article Fourth The packaging of goods

  1. Party B is responsible for the packaging, packaging standard executes according to the state or professional standard provisions. (not reach the above standards, Party B ensure transportation and storage, safe premise by contract Party Agreed.)

  2. If the packing is not accord with national or the contract's regulation , then Party B is responsible for the damage, deterioration which cause by this. Article Fifth Acceptance projects and acceptance method 1. Party B shall provide Party A with necessary data for inspection of the goods,

  if fails to provide necessary data for inspection of the goods or provide information is not complete, not timely and this results acceptance mistakes and delay or the occurrence of conformity type, quantity or quality of the goods does not conform to the contract, Party A shall not assume liability to pay compensation.

  2. Party A shall, in accordance with the provisions of the contract goods packaging appearance, quantity and quality, variety, an acceptance of inbound, if found not in conformity with the contract, it shall promptly notify Party B. If Party A acceptance the project not according to stipulations, methods and deadline or acceptance inaccurate and the actual economic losses caused by this ,Party A is responsible for all these losses .

  3. Acceptance deadline for _____ days (not exceed 10 days) Party A is responsible for the loss caused by extend the acceptance time limitation .

  Article Sixth : inbound and outbound procedures:In accordance with the relevant stipulations of the inbound, outbound regulation, (if not dealt with, according to mutual agreement) When inbound and outbound , both parties's representative or agent should be present, and sign the records of after testing by both representative or agent. This record as the integral part of the contract, the parties each save a copy.

  Article Seventh Loss standards and depletion dealing:According to relevant regulations about loss standards and depletion dealing (if there is no regulation dealt with mutual agreement)

  Article Eighths Responsibility of breach 一、Party A's responsibility:

  1. Due to Party A's responsibility, cause retreat warehouse or not inbound , Party A shall pay the freight and compensation to Party B by the contract's regulation .

  2. Party A is responsible for compensation for the losses of damage which is caused by not in procedures to keep and operate dangerous goods and perishable goods.

  3. during storage of the goods ,the loss of goods, shortage, metamorphism, pollution which occur due to custody mismanagement, Party A is responsible for compensation for the losses. If belong to the packing is not in conformity with the contract or extended effective storage life and cause the damage, metamorphic to the goods, Party A isn't have the responsibility to compensation . 二、Party B's liability:

  1. Inflammable, explosive, toxic and other dangerous articles and perishable articles, must clearly noted in the contract, and provide the necessary material , otherwise cause any damaged goods or person casualties, Party B shall undertake liability to pay compensation by the judicial organs until shall be investigated for criminal responsibility.

  2. If Party B cann't keep goods storage on schedule ,Party B should pay compensation to Party A.

  3. When storage beyond the agreed stored or overdue to Extraction goods, Party B not only should pay the safekeeping fee ,but also should pay penalty due to breach of.

  三、Penalty due to breach of contract and compensation method

  1. If Party B management has changed ,Party B should notice to Party A one month in advance about breach of retreat hire, otherwise as default within, should compensate Party A for a certain loss. Compensation amount is according to the fee of a month's storage.

  2、when violate the execution of the inbound goods plan and regulation of outbound goods, the parties must pay the fine. The measure of the liquidated damages involved is default that part of three months of goods safekeeping fee (or rent) or 3 times in service fee.

  When default make the other party has suffered economic losses, if insufficient counter actual loss of liquidated damages, the default party should also pay balance parts in the form of compensation.

  The above breach, thereby causing loss to the other party, uniform recoup actual loss.

  compensation calculates in accordance with the cost and the price which state approval after the adjustment price ; if have the salvage value ,shall be deducted the salvage value of partial or residual thing belongs to compensate party, shall not liable for compensation the actual goods.

  Article Ninth Force majeure

  1、during the Lease period ,if happen to municipal movements of increase irresistible factors etc, this contract shall automatically terminated, Party A will not bear Party B any losses and expenses.

  2、Because of the force majeure which occurrence and unforeseeable

  consequences cannot prevent or avoid, directly affects the performance of the contract or can't be performed according to conventional condition, in case of force majeure, the party who happen to the force majeure will be immediately

  notifies the other accident, and shall, within seven days provide accident for details and the valid documents which prove that the contract is unable to perform, or part of the contract is unable to perform, or reasons of need to delay the execution.

  Article tenth Other agreements

  Party A:________________________________ (seal)


  ____ month_____ date ___year

  Party B:________________________________ (seal)


  ____ month_____ date ___year

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